日期 :2021-04-16

準提菩薩準提菩薩誕辰普傳為農曆三月十六日。為佛教中顯教、密教所共尊的大菩薩。漢傳佛教之菩薩形象多為三目、十八臂,手持蓮花、利劍、青珠、五股杵、花鬘、澡瓶、繩索、海螺、梵篋等,表示消災、去惑、增福、延命、超脫輪迴、往生淨土等願;藏傳佛教覺囊派所傳為三面、二十六臂之相。準提意思是「清淨」。多數佛教宗派認為準提菩薩是觀世音菩薩的化身,又稱準提觀音、天人丈夫觀音,歸入六觀音之一,為救度「人道」的觀音菩薩化身。六觀音即:慈航觀音(救拔餓鬼道)、千手觀音(救拔地獄道)、馬頭觀音(救拔畜生道)、十一面觀音(救拔修羅道)、準提觀音(救拔人道)、如意輪觀音(救拔天道)。Cundhi bodhisattvaThe birthday of Cundhi Bodhisattva is believed to be the sixteenth day of the third month of the lunar calendar.He is one of the significant bodhisattvas worshipped in Buddhism and Tantra.  According to Buddhism in the Han Dynasty, the image of Cundhi bodhisattva has three eyes and eighteen arms, each holding a sacred object such as Lotus, Sword, Green Pearl, Five-stranded Vajra, Flower Wreath, Bath Bottle, Rope, Sea Snail, Trunk etc, which symbolised the power of avoiding calamities and temptations of evil spirits, bringing happiness and longevity, as well as transcending reincarnation and moving future life to Heaven.  However, according to Tibetan Buddhism, the image of Cundhi bodhisattva has three faces and twenty-six arms. "Cundhi" has the meaning of purified of defiling illusion.  Most branches of Buddhism believed that Cundhi bodhisattva is the embodiment of Guanyin (Avalokitesvara),  the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokitesvara).  Therefore He is also named as Cundhi Guanyin, or Man and Heaven Husband Guanyin, who is one of the six manifestations of Guanyin, designated to save the weak and oppressed from extreme sufferings in mankind.The six manifestations of Guanyin includes :Cihang Guanyin (designated to save in the world of hungry ghosts)Thousand-armed Guanyin (designated to save in hell)Hayagriva /Horse-head Guanyin (designated to save in the world of animals)Ekadasamukha Avalokitesvara/ Eleven-faced Guanyin (designated to save in Asura world)Cundhi Guanyin (designated to save mankind)Cintamanicakra (designated to save in Heaven)#東井圓佛會 #林東 #菩薩誕辰