【菩薩誕辰 ‧ 知多點】--濟公成道日
日期 :2021-06-28

【菩薩誕辰 ‧ 知多點】濟公成道日 濟公李修緣傳說是降龍羅漢轉世。生於南宋建炎三年二月初二日 。是浙江省台州市天台縣赤城街道永寧村人。父母親先後於他十幾歲離世。他脫孝後便在杭州靈隱寺出家,法號道濟,拜大和尚慧遠為師。他不守佛門戒律,不誦經打坐,語言詼諧,穿著破衣破帽手持破扇。故又被稱做濟癲。其師圓寂後,被迫轉到淨慈寺。但他醫術精湛,常常施展神通救助百姓,被百姓稱為濟公活佛。常於(嘉定二年)五月十六日於淨慈寺圓寂,享壽七十九歲。 The legend of Jigong Li Xiuyuan is the reincarnation of the descending Arhat. Born on the second day of February in the third year of Jianyan in the Southern Song Dynasty. He is from Yongning Village, Chicheng Street, Tiantai County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. His parents passed away in his teens. After he got rid of his filial piety, he became a monk in Lingyin Temple, Hangzhou, and worshipped the great monk Huiyuan as his teacher. He does not observe Buddhism ordained companions, does not recite sutras and meditate. He speaks humorously. Worn torn monk robe & torn fan. He is addressed as crazy monk Jigong by the publics. After his buddhist master passed away, he was forced to transfer to Jingci Temple. However, he was exquisite in medicine and often used his magical powers to help the people, and he was called the living Buddha of Jigong by the people. Jigong passed away in Jingci Temple on May 16th (the second year of Jiading), and lived his life at the age of seventy-nine. #東井圓佛會 #林東 #菩薩誕辰