【菩薩誕辰 ‧ 知多點】
日期 :2021-05-28

【菩薩誕辰 ‧ 知多點】釋迦牟尼佛誕辰為農曆四月初八梵名Shakyamuni「釋迦」是種族之姓,指能仁,以大慈大悲心救度眾生。「牟尼」是古印度對聖者的稱謂。是指佛的無上智慧,以自身所具足的智德斷絕煩惱,修練至圓滿境界。據佛經記載釋迦牟尼本是古印度北部迦毗羅衛國(今尼泊爾境內)的王子。在29歲時有感於人世諸多苦難,萌生找尋真理,拯救眾生脫離苦海的念頭,毅然出家修行。35歲時在菩提樹下大徹大悟,逐創立佛教,走訪印度北部傳教,足跡踏遍中部恆河流域一帶。年80在拘屍那迦城逝世。佛陀進入涅後,弟子記錄釋迦牟尼的言辭,整理集結成經、律、論「三藏」,宏揚佛法,令佛教逐漸成為世界性的宗教。His birthday is on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month. The Sanskrit name Shakyamuni, “Shakyamuni” is the surname of the race, which refers to being kind and compassionate to save sentient beings. "Muni" was the name given to the saint in ancient India. It refers to the supreme wisdom of the Buddha, to cut off troubles with his own wisdom and virtue, and elevate to the state of perfection. According to Buddhist scriptures, Shakyamuni was originally the prince of Kapilavastry in northern India (in today's Nepal). At the age of 29, he was moved by the immense sufferings, which inspired him to search for the truth and save all the sentient beings from sufferings. At the age of 35, he gained great enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, founded Buddhism, and started preaching from visited northern India to all over the Ganges River valley in the central part. He passed away in the city of Kushinaga at the age of 80.After the Buddha entered Parinibbana, his disciples recorded Shakyamuni’s preachings into sutras, principles, laws, and on the "Three Zang", and promoted Buddhism, which gradually becomes a worldwide religion. #東井圓佛會 #林東 #菩薩誕辰